Pakistan is the country with high rate of unemployment and people are searching for the opportunities to earn. People are looking forward to get jobs so that they an support their families. As we are introduced to technology so every one is in the race to improve their living standards. People now don't have to do two jobs beside they can earn through just driving. This service has brought revolutionary changes to the whole concept of cab service. People are now becoming part of this service and making good amount of money from it. Some of the entrepreneur always look forward to make some extra money. Careem is not only about working, people are investing in this service by renting out cars and bikes. No no more required to have yellow cars to call it a taxi. You can work as a caption with just car of you own. Every body can earn through this. So here is how it is done:

Source: Pixabay

What is Careem?

Careem is an online pick and drop service. This service has given a very new identity to taxi service. Careem is an online service which was first introduced in Dubai in 2012. It is now running more than 53 cities in around the globe. It was innovated by Mudassir Sheikh and Magnus Olsson. Careem is an online service to book cars for travelling. They have different categories to target different income groups. In Pakistan they have also started bike and rikshaw service. This step has opened doors to earn for those who can not afford to buy cars.

Requirements to be a Careem Captain:

In order to join the platform all you need is some essential things:
AgeIn order to apply you must be above or at least 18. You also need to have driving licence. 

VehicleSecondly, you need to have a vehicle of their standard to start which is approved by them first. Just have a good tuning of your vehicle before taking it to them. 

PhoneFurthermore, you need to have a smartphone to run the application of Careem. Android phone is required for this. You also need to have your internet working along with credit to make calls. 

Checkup: Finally,you will have to go through different basic tests. These tests includes drug test,police record etc.
Careem also provide training programs for their captains. They give them training which includes ways to interact with customers, driving,etc 

Source: Pixabay

Time to make cash:  

Now as we cleared these steps it's time to make some money. 
Careem works in basic 5 steps:  
1. Just download the app and sign in.
2. Receive your booking.
3. Pick up the customer and 
4.Drop them to the destination.
5.Earn money.
You get money right after the ride ends. Careem also gives you bonus for achieving the target of number of pickups. Careem deliver you cash through your bank account after every month. They have safe way of delivering money and the best part is that they don't delay your money.  

Invest to earn:

For those who cant drive but can afford cars they can also earn with Careem. You must be wondering if that is even possible? Well you can rent out your cars to Careem for which they will give you money monthly on the basis of the car you give. Their rate varies with time. Just sit back and you'll receive your cash right at the end of every month.    

Source: Pixabay

Tips to make extra:

In order to make some extra cash you need to work smart too.
You have to look for the porch places around you. Get the customers from that part which will give you extra cash. Work in the time of peak factor which can get you good amount also. Those who are investing, try to rent out small cars instead of one big car. Why earn from one when you can earn more from two. Now don't waste time thinking, hurry up and go register now!  

Source: Pixabay

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