YouTube is one of the most used social media application that is running successfully across the globe. YouTube is a new way to earn money. Be it a 2 years old or a 50 years old person. Anyone can earn through YouTube. As YouTube earning is dependent on views so you need to focus more on how to attract people to view your video. On YouTube there are millions of channels and among them almost hundreds of the channels are uploading regarding same content. So its not easy to attract people to view your video among many quality content. But nothing is impossible and with some smart work you can make your channel more successfully. So let's start with the ways through which you can attract more viewers.
Well the most essential and core ingredient to attract viewers is thumbnails. It attracts the user. It draws the attention of the user to you. It makes your content more eye catchy than other contents. As we search for how to earn on YouTube, it's natural that we will watch that video that will have a thumbnail of money and luxury vehicles because that is what we find attractive. Thumbnails will do all the work for us. We just need to work hard selecting it for the video. 

Try to keep the quality of your content very high. Never lower the quality of your work because it is not working for you. Just keep up the good and don't lose hope. Running a channel on YouTube requires a lot of patience. It requires time to settle into this kind of work. The higher the quality of the work is the more subscriptions you will get. You can not go forward with cheap quality videos. You might start good but it never have a good future. So quality is the key to long survival in YouTube world.

Social Advertisement:

After you have made the video and took care of quality and thumbnails then the next step is to promote your channel for views. This is the most influential step in earning. All you have to do is to share your channel with friends and family. On Facebook,Twitter,Whatsapp, etc you can share your channel among your friends and your followers. If you have a big social circle things might not be so hard for you to run your channel. Ask your friends to share your channel with others and retweet under your link and spread it with their friends also. You can share your link of every YouTube video with your friends so they can stay updated with your channel. You can also share  your channel using app such as 'Quora'. In this app you can search for questions which your video is about and in answer to that you can provide them with the link of your channel. This app is really important as well as it is used by million of people and your answer can help hundred of people and you can get famous in no time. This app helped me gaining views and you can use this tool for spreading channel. I had a tutorial channel and i just looked for the questions that my video can answer. I just use to left the link of the video in the comment section.

Keep Posting:

You need to keep patience while running a channel on YouTube as it requires time to establish. Never give up posting stuff because you are not getting views as you expected. People will only love you if you are a regular poster. Keep your channel organized and keep uploading regularly. Use good content and different topic to attract. Just keep working hard and not give up.

Illegal Views:
There will be many websites and people who will offer you views for some money. If YouTube finds out about fake or illegal views you might lose your channel once and for all. Keep natural and safe views.

Conclusively, everybody is attracted to organized and good quality stuff. Never use illegal views and always stay patient. If your quality is genuine then you will get views automatically and you won't have to run after views.

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