It's not the amount that matters when it comes to investment. The important thing is how and where you invest it. Money is not the important factor in establishing a business. All you need is determination and have to give time to establish it. Yes it seems like a fairy tale but it's true you can come up with a business of your own with minimum investment of $100 or less. Many famous people started their business from their garages and kitchens and now are multi billionaires.

Source: Pixabay

Lets explore some of the businesses you can start with low investment:     


Source: Pixabay

We can start marketing for different products. In the world full of brands marketing is one the most essential need to make a product successful. We can establish marketing firm of our own. Just take money from the company and print their adds and feature them on social media as well as paste posters on public areas. We can also inform others through distribution of pamphlets. You need to have a good amount of followers for promoting the product. Not only brands but you can also promote upcoming events and concerts and that is like easy cash in short time.

Free Lancing:

                                                            Source: Pixabay

We are all aware of the term freelancing. We can start freelancing by posting adds on buying and selling websites like E-bay,Olx,etc. Just ask for work in the field you are really good at. You can do writing, photography, proof reading etc. It is one of the best way to polish your skills and you can make some pretty good money from it. Later you can excel in your specific field.

Home made frozen food:

                                                         Source: Pixabay

Technology has given us easy access to almost everything. We can learn through internet about anything we want to. From how to fry an egg to make how to an atomic bomb. People nowadays want everything to be luxury. So they prefer just to heat food instead of cooking it. So the best business now a days is of fast food. You can start selling food by just preparing it, defrosting it. And sell it as a frozen food. Believe me this is the best way to start with low investment.


                                                        Source: Pixabay

The fastest spreading trend on internet is blogging. All you need is access to the internet.Honestly! earning through blogging is just depend of luck but if you start earning through it then there is no stopping in that. All you have to do is write different and unique material. Make your content eye catching for your visitors. You have to write daily in the beginning and the when you reach good number of blogs than make it twice a week but never give up keep writing. When you have a well established site than you can apply for the adds to be played o your website. I'll teach you more about it in the upcoming blogs.

Fast food:

Source: Pixabay

We all are somehow addicted to fast food. We all know a place that we have to visit to fulfill our cravings. And almost everyone loves to eat french fries be it from 5 star hotel or a stall across the street. To make money in fast food the minimum investment can be made to set up a stall of french fries. In order to make you name just try serve your fries with unique sauce than others. As a fries lover i would be among their loyal customers who have unique taste. The other stall you can have is of lemonade. This works only in summers but it is also a running business. In order to earn little higher than others, just set your stall near shopping malls.

Tour Guide:

Source: Pixabay

Everybody is familiar of the place he lives in. Almost every citizen is aware of important buildings of its country. So tour guide can actually be a business that people can adopt. It actually requires just a map and learning basic of different languages to communicate with tourists. Tourism is actually very famous and with little learning we can actually earn a lot through it.

Source: Pixabay
Beside some of these businesses there are hundreds of other business that can person adopt to earn a living from it. So it's up to you to decide weathers to leave your $100 lying in your drawer or to bring it to some use.

I will be back with an amazing blog, till then if you like my ideas please share it with your friends. You never know which of your relatives $100 can come in handy.