(Source: Pixabay)
Coronavirus is have caused a pendemic and situation is getting worst with time. People around the world are suffering badly and no vaccine is created uptill now. The best way to keep us safe from this virus is by keeping social distance from everyone and staying in quarantine. According to the Worldmeters, there are 3,064,161 patients around the world from which 211,534 died and 922,369 have been recovered.
However, government around the world are on the front line to fight corona. They are making policies and taking precautionary measurements to keep the damage to the minimum level.
The Government of Australian have introduced an application to keep the track of the citizens to fiht this virus even better. This application was created in Singapore. Country like china has develped an application for the same purpose of tracking citizens.  Other contries like Singapore, Norway, Colombia and USA is also using applications to keep the trackof the citizens.

                                                                (Source: Pixabay)

How does it work?
After downloading the application from the application store, the user will be asked for the basic information and to agree to terms and conditions. This information will be shared with government officials to keep the track of data.
The application works on the Bluetooth device of the phone which connects to the other phones near by the area. When the user is in contact with the near by user the app will record the date, time and distance The data is encripted and is saved to your phone in a way that even a user can not access it. After some duration, the data is deleted itself from the device. For the recording of data, one's bluetooth is turned on so the near by devices can connect and track the users.
In case of the posititive result of the test, the data is accessed by the government and the people in contact with the patient will be informed and a process will be carried by the government for the safety of the patient and the society.

                                                            (Source: Pixabay)
The government have introduced these apps to keep the proper check and balace and to identify the hotspots in the country and take timely precautions to end this virus the whole world is suffering from.